mercoledì 4 settembre 2013


 GREECE. Macedonia. Turkey farm. 1988.  Nikos Economopoulos
This Photo was taken by Nikos Economopoulos at a turkey farm in Macedonia Greece.  This photo has a kind of dark and creepy feel to it with the focal point being the thousands of birds trapped in a cage.  The photo captures the blank emotion of the birds and with the gloomy sky in the background really brings the picture together.

Jpeg and Raw
Cameras all start with raw data and convert this data to JPG images with hardware in the camera. Cameras create JPG images from raw image sensor data based on your settings like Sharpness and White Balance. The camera makes the JPG and then the raw data evaporates as soon as the JPG is recorded.


One of the drivers behind the falling prices has been the introduction of CMOS image sensors. CMOS sensors are much less expensive to manufacture than CCD sensors.  Both CCD and CMOS  image sensors start at the same point they have to convert light into electrons.
iso 400, F4 1/125 35mm

iso 400, F4 1/125 35mm
Fishing in Mexico took with a cannon Rebel 35 mm
sunrise Cabo san Lucas Normal lens

Abbas VIETNAM. A soldier of the South Vietnamese army. 1973.

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