Color Temperature is a measurement in Degrees Kelvin that indicates the hue of a specific type of light source. You can use a Color Temperature (as shown in the chart below) to suggest realistic colors for the lights in a 3D scene.
Visible colors are relative to the Color Balance (or White Balance) of a film stock or video camera, with the two most common fixed settings being 3200K Indoor color balance, and 5500K Outdoor (Daylight) color balance. To pick an RGB value from the chart below, first choose whether your scene would be shot with Indoor or Outdoor film (usually chosen based on the dominant lighting), then find the color corresponding to the type of light source at that color temperature.
Henri Cartier-Bresson was a french photographer who was a photojournalist. As a child he used to do draw and paint. But he would only do three minute sketches. He was a main factor in developing street photography. He started professionally taking up photography in the 1930s and would go out on the streets and capture what was going on. He would go out on the streets for the whole day to hopefully capture something great. He said he was always "on the prowl". He traveled all over Europe to get shots. After many years Henri's photos were getting very high publicity and in the late forties he was considered a Magnum photographer. Henri was mainly known for documenting the greatest of upheavals in the twentieth century.
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